Enough Already!
Ten years ago Princess Diana died, and from the hoo-raw surrounding the event, you would think it was Mother Teresa that had died.
Oh, that's right, Mother Teresa DID die at the same time. But you would never know it from the media coverage going on at the time. It was All Diana All the Time.
I hoped never to experience another media circus like that again, but now that Michael Jackson is dead, the media circus is Princess Di times ten!
For three solid weeks I have had Michael Jackson crammed down my throat. It has gotten to the point that if I never hear the name again, it will be just fine. NPR, and event the BBC were in on it, for crying out loud.
Now, I don't hate Mr. Jackson. I rather enjoy some of his music, especially from the Jackson 5ive years. Even when one of his "grown-up" songs comes on the radio, I don't change the channel.
But this hagiography is ridiculous. The man had a troubled life, and lived it on the front pages of the tabloids. I didn't try to seek out any information about him, but you couldn't avoid it.
Now, you can't avoid mention of his death and his funeral. Last I heard they hadn't even buried the poor body yet, because they were so busy milking this thing for all it's worth.
Can I get a break from this without cutting myself off from radio and TV altogether?
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