Location: Granite Falls, North Carolina, United States

I'm an ordained United Methodist minister no longer pastoring churches, a former media producer with skills ten years out of date, a writer trying to sell my first novel, and a sales associate keeping body and soul together working for the People's Republic of Corporate America. I'm married to the most wonderful woman in the world, who was my best friend for 17 years before we married.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Who owns the truth?

Among the disciples of Jesus there was Matthew, a tax collector, who earned his living taking money from his fellow Jews and giving it to the hated Roman occupiers. Also among Jesus' disciples there was Simon the Zealot. The Zealots were a political party like the Weather Underground or the Michigan Militia dedicated to the violent overthrow of the Romans. Polar opposites politically, yet equally apostles of Christ. God is not a Republican, regardless of what James Dobson and Jerry Falwell say. And God is not a Democrat, regardless of what the Berrigan Brothers said thirty years ago. Back then, unless you opposed the war in Vietnam and supported welfare you had no part in the Kingdom of God. Now, you can't call yourself a Christian in public unless you support the war in Iraq and line up to kick welfare recipients. I envision God shaking His head in sorrow.


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