On Love It or Leave It
Glenn Greenwald's blog (Unclaimed Territory) today has some quotes from Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln--you know, the guys the neocons keep comparing themselves to favorably--that shows these giants putting the lie to everything the Bush people imagine themselves being.
Churchill called for a vote of confidence in 1942, right after disastrous defeats in Asia and Africa. He was not afraid of democracy, unlike the Bushites, who claim that any dissent from blind obedience to Bush is tantamount to treason. Lincoln, also, opposed a war of aggression on Mexico during his one term in Congress, and who wants to call him a traitor?
I never cease to be amazed at the pettiness and flimsiness of the foundation on which the Bush, Fox "News," Limbaugh nation base their world.
After all, if it can't stand up in the free exchange of ideas, it isn't worth defending. Any concept, notion, idea, or thought that is too weak to meet challenges head-on is too weak to sustain, anyway. Thus, what is the justification for the war in Iraq? It was all based on lies piled on lies, piled on more lies. Now, all it has is the intimidation of its critics, and its critics in Congress have been all too willing to lie down and accept this intimidation.
Well, the people spoke in November, and thousands marched on Washington over the weekend to make the same point: The majority of Americans, the majority of Sunnis in Iraq, the majority of Shi'ites in Iraq, and the Iraqi government itself all want the United States to get out of the Iraq quagmire. There are a number of good plans floating around Congress. Not to mention the Baker Commission's recommendations. All they have to do is settle on one or a blend of a couple of good ones, and they can start withdrawing.
Meanwhile, it appears the only way to stop the Bush/Cheney madness is impeachment.
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